
Re: Creative Consultant for Portraits of the Human Spirit

“Nellie Jacobs, one of the most creative and talented people I know, helped me in the very beginning to develop the look and feel of ‘Portraits’.”  Joel Walker, MD. FRCP. PhotoTherapy pioneer.  (http://www.portraitsof thehumanspirit.com)

Re: Interviewer for Reinventing Yourself-2nd in “Mining Your Resources” Book/Workshop Series

“Having known Nellie Jacobs for years, there is no one I can think of who is more out on the leading edge of creativity today, than Nellie. [She] is unmatched with …insightful, proding, curious questions and ability to open up ordinary people who’ve had extraordinary experiences, for all of us to learn from. Words alone cannot express my sincere appreciation & admiration I have for her.”  Kevin Loberg. Real Estate Broker/Inaugural Member Terrequity Council at Coldwell Banker Terrequity Realty

“Wow, you’re quite the inspiration!  Congratulations on all the work you’ve done. I wish you much success in the future.” Eva D., co-host Zoomer Radio, AM740, The Best of the Best. September 6, 2011
Re: Co-Organizer/Host Admit It You’re Creative! World Creativity and Innovation Week April 15-21

Nellie is intensive, curious and at the same time pragmatic. She gets to the heart of creativity, and links to practical results. I absolutely love working with her.”  Michel Neray, Chief Differentiation Officer, The Essential Message 

Re: Team Creativity Rocks!! for Stanford University Crash Creativity, 2012

“Our team was always on task. You’re a great team leader. Thank you for all the hard work. You did a great job with the strong personalities on our team. I know that this team wouldn’t have gotten anything done if you weren’t its leader.” Annie Garvey Jagielski, Technology Trainer, Downers Grove, Illinois, USA


“I can’t get over what a wonderful evening that was with your books and your INCREDIBLE speech. WOW!” T.B.

“You were great last night. I was so impressed with your speech, and your story-telling style. I didn’t want you to stop…” M.L.

“It was a lovely warm event. I love how you speak from the heart. You project confidence and I see how you go with the flow if things unfold not quite as planned. A lesson for me.  A fun evening.” K.F.

“What a glowing moment for you last night, surrounded by friends, family, and colleagues while you told your incredible story.  The room was filled with joy, awe, love, appreciation, and respect.  Everyone was glued to your dynamic presentation, told in true Nellie style…..real, warm, with humour… You have put so much attention to detail into this remarkable “concept” of yours  for many years….letting it slowly grow, develop, blossom and turn into something that is as Marci said, “one of a kind” … I really admire your drive and determination and I’m sure you will have great success …I’m really enjoying reading your book … The interviews are really fascinating.” S.O.

“Congratulations on your book launch last night.  It was a very successful evening and the turnout was amazing.  That definitely says alot about how people feel about you. Your talk was great-it was just you, Nellie…honest, poignant, humorous and very creatively delivered …Keep on writing, painting, interviewing, researching, broadcasting, inspiring and all the wonderful things that you do …” E.L.

“Really enjoyed last evening – you are as an accomplished speaker as you are an author!”C.N.

Episode 34-Making Opportunity Knock with Barbara Turner-Vesselago, PhD, Freefall Writing® workshops worldwide
“Kudos, Nellie-loved your show with Barbara Turner…the timing is just right for me to hear these serendipity vibes. I so agree.” Annabelle Hoffman

Episode 32: Making Opportunity Knock w/Martin Gertler & Mechele Flaum,

Principals, BoomerHead marketing consultancy 
“I keep track of your shows. I’ve got a book (fiction) for the baby boomers (www.richardbarager.com) so was most interested in the interview you did with the baby boomer marketers. I found it so interesting. I’m a baby boomer myself. Never thought there were ‘gradations’ of us!” Gail Kearns, Book Sherpa, To Press & Beyond

“You are a great host….I hope I told you, by the way, that a student of mine in England, a doctor who came from Tel Aviv, asked me if I’d ever heard of you!  She said it was a very popular program over there!  I said yes I certainly did and you were a lovely person and a very good writer – and she seemed quite impressed.  All success with your new book …”Barbara Turner-Vesselago, Ph.D., Freefall Writing Workshops:  http://www.freefallwriting.com

Episode 29: Creativity and Innovation in Our Homes, Schools and Workplaces-Part 2
 “Thank you so much. I was disappointed that I had to teach during your discussion time on air, but was very pleased to take the time over the weekend to listen …  What a wonderful hour of conversation and creative thinking and sharing.

     I am so happy you have included my thoughts on creativity and imagination.  I was glad to share from my own experiences!! I am delighted that you decided to start the series with my answers. Again, I thank you for offering me this chance to share and, in turn, maybe simply inspire others to tap into their own creativity or their little ones creative spirits. I love the posting!!” Fondly, Candace A. Carriger, Artistic Director, The Dance Lab Moorestown, New Jersey, USA…[Click here to read blog posting featuring Candace’s responses.]

Episode 29: Creativity and Innovation in Our Homes, Schools and Workplaces-Part 1/Celebrating World Creativity and Innovation Week April 15-21

“Great listening to you today. When I told my department head, my principal and my superintendent they were talked about live on the radio today they each beamed. You also made a huge impression on my students. I will get their insights together and share with you. Thanks for all you do. Make it a great day.” Melvin Hall, Teacher Career and Technical Education, Red Oak High School, Texas

Episode 26: Starring YOU-Turning Passions into Products & Services-Part 1

“In case I have not told you before, I truly enjoy your programs and this one is particularly great! I love hearing the different ways in which the experiences of different people pertain to my life and how these great things people offer are things I can use in my life to make the world a better place! As far as your books, I am currently nearing the completion of my bachelors in psychology and hope to soon begin my masters. Somewhere in between (or as a part of) I have on my list to read your work.  I find your contribution to the world’s inspiration for creativity very fascinating and deeply moving!  I have gotten a lot of inspiration from many of your guests as well as from your thoughts.” Jamie Staggs. Florida. Transcription service provider. University student,  Website: http://www.jls2005.com

“I love the work that you do around creativity. We have so much in common with our creative visions and amazing strength in our unique platforms to include and inspire so many people. I’m really happy be connected with you” Chris Dunmire. Chicago, Illinois. Creative Director, Publisher at Creativity Portal®, Author, Book Developer, e-Book Publisher at Creative Slush Playbooks

Episode 28: Starring YOU!Turning Passions into Products & Services
     “Wow, what a perfect name for your show …I loved you, your guest Gail, the Italian lady who created dinners after her daughter got sick, and Mr. Isenberg …
I thoroughly enjoyed, as well, your episode with Dr. Joel Walker [
Episode 22: New Beginnings-Age is Just a Number]…what a fabulous Doctor and human being. I can’t wait to hear your next show and tell others about you…  One of your many, loyal, new listeners.” Naomi Balnemones. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

“Don’t have a way to participate in a discussion; but I filled out the form and sent you a short paragraph about why I love what I do. This is a wonderful thing you are doing!” Chaya Eitan, Universal School for Languages, Bat Yam, Israel

Episode 27: Starring YOU!Turning Passions into Products & Services-Part 2]
     “I listened to the last episode and loved it!  You have such a wonderful way of getting information, yet keeping the program moving without the person feeling rushed.  Thanks for sharing my story as well. ..  Keep sharing.” Colleen BaldricaPast President, Minnesota School Counselors Association. Stillwater Human Rights Commission . Author Tree Spirited Woman

It was a great honor to talk on your Blog Talk Radio show yesterday morning. Thank you for your invitation to write to you afterwards! In a nutshell, as I said I’m an Aspie – that means I have Asperger Syndrome (AS), which is on the autism spectrum ….
After studying it – and then getting diagnosed – I decided to help fellow Aspies surmount the challenges I’ve faced. I coach Aspies on how to get along better in the world, and also NTs on how to better understand the Aspies in their lives. I give presentations to groups of Aspies, and to groups like employers, service providers, first responders and others on how to recognize and work well with Aspies … PS: I love your 
Buckminster Fuller quotation.” Jeff Deutsch. Washington, DC. Life Coach & Presenter, A SPLINT – ASPies LInking with NTs. http://www.asplint.com

     “Thank you for the opportunity this morning. I listened to the broadcast again and learned a bit more about myself in fact, and what I need to do to improve.  It was a great experience and I’ll continue to listen in about it. Interestingly enough, I just recently learned about Asperger’s through an ADD support group I attend.  There is a world famous surfer in the Huntington Beach area who has Asperger’s.  He’s now become a spokesperson about it to help other young people. Congratulations on your show and best regard.” Sylvia R.J. Scott, Creator & Director, Girl’s CEO Connection, Realizing A Vision Conference. California

     “Nellie – your talent for evoking the real creative messages from all your guests is second to none!! The inspiration you provide for your listeners cannot be measured, because it is so great and far reaching. Congratulations on your successes!” Marci Segal, CEO Creativityland, Co-founder World Creativity and Innovation Week April 15-21

“I’ve made your Blog one of my favorites. I live in France, it’s a real pleasure to hear your Talk Radio. ” Paul Gaspais

Episode 26: Starring YOU-Turning Passions into Products & Services-Part 1
    ” WOW Nellie! Thank you so much for reading my letter! I know good things will follow. May the blessings you are showering on others rain down on you too! Blessings and prosperity.” Mary Pitman. Vero Beach, Florida. http://www.MySpiritualAffirmations.com

“Nellie, you must be drained! What a great format. Worth repeating for sure. Congrats!!!  Bernie Kuntz, author “Limericks to Save Planet Earth (and its inhabitants)”

“Nellie, what a great radio show, I enjoyed all the positive energy and good advice. You are very gifted and are doing great things. Thank you, I’m glad I know about you.” Elaine Claytonartist, healing and spiritual arts, reiki, and psychic/intuitive readings www.illuminara.com & www.elaineclayton.comConnecticut.

“What you are doing is dear to my heart—mining creativity. We all have it in us, don’t you think? I believe that if each person on this planet mined their creativity, there would be more peace and less violence in our world. Unfortunately, we are all too busy and overwhelmed, the information highway has overloaded us, and we’ve lost touch with the still point within us and the natural flow of our universe. We simply need to look to nature and the four seasons—nothing changes there. And the ocean—the tides go in and the tides go out. When we’re able to tap into the natural flow and what Jung calls  the “collective unconscious,” then creativity can truly be mined.” Gail M. KearnsTo Press and Beyond, a full service book-sheparding agency

“I wanted to thank you for the podcast today and for the opportunity to share my passion. A few years ago i sent you an interview i did and you posted it! It was a blast from the past reading it – i had not yet been published in a couple of books or had my own book yet or done all of the things that I have done. What a great reminder to embrace what i have accomplished.
Will you be posting some of the marketing ideas you received? I know you were talking about creating a 
facebook page*. Thanks so much.” Violette Clark. artist, writer. Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

 “I’ve been enjoying listening to your podcast while exercising. I am launching a podcast called “Creativity Rocket” soon and wanted to make my listeners aware of your podcast as well, and to use an excerpt of no more than 90 seconds, from Marci Segal’s Episode 5. To give you a little background, I am the author of “Do Something Different” (Virgin Books), “Your Writing Coach” (Nicholas Brealey) and the forthcoming “Creativity Now!”(Pearson). My websites include www.yourwritingcoach.com and www.timetowrite.com. ” Jurgen WolffEpisode 25. London, England.


“Nellie Jacobs is a Renaissance woman – artist, best-selling author, internet whiz, broadcaster – she constantly invents fresh ways to mine her own creativity – and yours. A gifted facilitator, she consistently brings out the best in people – every Thursday morning on her live Internet BlogTalkRadio Show – Igniting Imagination. Her talents are prodigious but she is also a relentless researcher and intuitive interviewer – and her extra efforts show. Nellie’s no lightweight, and her absorbing hour-long radio profiles never fail to engage you!”  Sandy Naiman, multi-award-winning journalist, college instructor

Episode 9: Marlene Walker-The Curiosity Factor
  “Your show ignites my imagination, my passion, my creativity (I remember that you said that to do what I do involves creativity and I have thought about that this week), and last but not least my appreciation for having a great support system of friends. Your show is excellent. I look forward to listening to more segments”  Bernice Finkelstein

“Your interview programs with such a varied group of guests must be a most time consuming and difficult task even for someone as creative as you are.. I can only imagine the preparation this must take. Your openness and sensitivity are surely what brings these people to respond to you.” Martha Veroba, Cedarhurst, New York

” I cannot get over how well you’re doing. Your guests are an inspiration.” Annabelle HoffmanInnovation and Creative Catalyst

Episode 23: Transformation/Journey of Self-Discovery
 “Thank YOU Nellie! I am inspired by you and your vision for this work of igniting imagination!” Julie Gieseke, San Francisco, California

Through her Internet talk radio show, Nellie gives voices to those who normally would not have the platform to reach a wide audience with their meaningful messages: 

“…It’s your creative initiative that gave rise to this opportunity for so many artists to speak about their work and hopes. Congratulations are due to you. I was interviewed by telephone this past Sunday on my involvement with the TV series “The Starlost” by a filmmaker who is writing the liner notes for the Blue Ray DVD release of the series. He commented on hearing my interview with you and was extremely complimentary to both of us …”  Martin Lager [Episode 10: Collaboration/Networking]

Episode 19-Merle Winston Torchin-Transitions: Lemons into Lemonade
     “The program was wonderful. Just a great program that is going to be placed into my favorites.” Anne-Nicole Sibley

“Do you think that it is possible that all of your guests who have been bringing to you all of these life lessons are really being channelled through you just to so that I can get the messages? Whatever it is, it has been an enormous gift for me and I thank you.” Anonymous

Nellie has a gift for drawing out new personal insights, even from specialists in the field themselves:  

Episode 16: Create the Life of Your Dreams-NOW
 “I spill my guts on this interview. Nellie Jacobs does a radio show Igniting Imagination on Blog Talk Radio. She interviews creative types and digs out their thought process.  Very, very in depth.  If you need some inspiration today, take the time to listen to this one hour show.  Plus, she plays a couple segments of songs that I’ve written in the past (fun).” Matthew Ferry, turn-around-coach, posted on his website, California


“I want to thank you for all time, effort and love you put into preparing for my interview with you on BlogTalk radio. I really enjoyed the time talking about myself. Who says I’m modest?
Nellie, you have such a creative mind which is always in motion. Always exploring, always inventive…you are a true inspiration to me. hank you again for inviting me to be a part of your show. I wish you great success.” 
Sandy Offenheim

Nellie provides ways to “connect the dots” for people and ideas: 

Episode 13: Sandy Offenheim-My Life as a Song, Book or Game &

Episode 12: Marla Lukofsky-Re-inventing Yourself

“Thanks for sending me the connection to your new internet show.* Congratulations! You’re doing amazing things! You’re so multi-talented and always on the cutting edge of new technologies! I really enjoyed today’s interview. So much of what Sandy said, specially the 10 points of advice, resonated with my way of looking at things.** As she was speaking, I got an idea for a new story and had to write it down quickly, right after the show, to catch it before it disappears. Talk about “igniting the imagination”! …I read your excellent introductory statement about your goals and how you prepare your programs. I’m very impressed. I listened to the Marla Lukofsky interview. I’m always fascinated with people’s beginnings – to hear what kind of family life, schooling and communities produce creative people. The other thing that always interests me is how these creative people find (or don’t find) a place for themselves in the big wide world.” *** Christina Senkiw, Illustrator/Author children’s books

Episode 11-Moira Sutton: Live Your Passion

 “I have taken my break from studying to listen to your blogtalkradio show with Moira Sutton. She has triggered in me so many reactions. I too have a background and love dance. …as I face my own challenges, Moira’s affirmative statement that when ‘the chips are down, new doors will open,’ …so inspired and intrigued [me]. Thanks for the wonderful choice in guest.”  Karen

“One of the things I enjoyed about Moira’s interview is discovering someone else who has so many interests. I think one of the challenges, especially for creative people, is figuring out how to channel all their many interests and passions into a career. If all you are interested in is weaving, then you channel your energies into that, but if you are a weaver, a writer, a shamanic dream worked, a tarot reader….shall I go on? Sounds like Moira has found a way to weave together all the threads of her life into a beautiful tapestry. Bright dreams. ” Paula Scardamalia. Weaver, Creativity and Dream Coach. Rensselaerville, NY

Episode 6-Wendy Woods: Laughter-The “Ha!Ha!” That Lead to “Ah! Ah!”]

 “Any way we can spread the happy-demic and share the idea that laughter can be a CHOICE and a GIFT and a way to actively improve your own health, I shout “Very good, Very Good, YEAH!” Kudos to a show well hosted. Giggles and Guffaws” Laughing Lady

“Your shows are very informative and creative, keep up the good work.” Candace House

Mining Your Creativity
Re: “Mining Your Creativity” PowerPoint Presentation Workshop

“Participating in your workshop  was certainly a highlight for me aboard the Constellation. Never did I dream that amidst our   hedonistic ocean journey, where the only mental gymnastic was what was I going to eat, that I would have an opportunity to learn so much in such a stimulating yet succinct presentation. It provoked a lot of self reflection for me as a person and as a professional. It graphically orchestrated some of my thoughts and helped me to reorient some of my ideas that desperately needed to be fine-tuned.

     You have a way of presenting your workshop that is so universally understood yet one can extrapolate what we needed to make it our own. Although you were addressing a diverse group, you made each of us feel so welcomed and important. I want to thank you for this opportunity. I will highly recommend you to my colleagues in Education back home in Montreal. Kudos to you!” Merle Winston Pedagogical Consultant/Counsellor, Recipient PROCEED Award of Merit, Sir Wilfrid-Laurier School Board, Quebec, Canada

Digging deep requires tools …Nellie Jacobs helps you define and access them:

“I really liked the title, the metaphor of mining illuminated for me how we sometimes have to dig deep and work hard to find pure gold, precious gems or fuel for firing our imagination.

The presentation also afforded lots of opportunity for sparking and stimulating thought processes.  Too often we work with our left brain and are expected to be logical when it’s so much more fun to go with the flow of what we are feeling or intuiting in the moment, our gut  instincts and our dreams….Thanks Nellie.” Julie Wratten, Specialist Nurse/Coronary Heart Disease, Counsellor, UK

“I want to thank you on behalf of the members of the York Mills Study group for a most interesting and informative afternoon. After hearing your bio, I felt you must be a Jack of all Trades and now after your presentation I know you’re a master of all. I am now going home to excavate, get rid of a lot of baggage, dye my hair black, part it in the middle, and try to be as creative as Hedy Lamarr.
I think we’re all miners (seniors) in one way or another and want to thank you for the opportunity of looking through miner goggles. It’s been a pleasure meeting you and hope to see you again in the near future.” 
Shaynka Farber, Chairman, Programme Committee, York Mills Study Group, National Council of Jewish Women, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
How inspiring are Nellie’s programs? Nellie’s delivery is lively and engaging, resonating long afterwards with participants:

     “Thank you for your thoroughly engaging, interesting and creative presentation this morning. I know that my students thoroughly enjoyed it and so did I. As I already told you, I love your metaphor of “mining” your creativity and the complex yet delightful way in which you have unpacked that for your audience.
You have a beautiful, easygoing style when presenting. Your direct and honest manner invites your attendees to participate openly and honestly themselves. You have great energy and great rapport. Your presentation was a valuable contribution to my students’ education and I truly appreciate the time and effort you took in both its preparation and delivery. Lots of love and light.” 
Sondra Ezrin, Educator M.S.E., M.S., Toronto, Ontario, Canada



More Presentations

Private Birthday
     “I just want to express my thanks and appreciation …for a job well done. Your professionalism combined with a genuine sensitivity, ensured a memorable day for all present. …You succeeded in creating a space in which much fun, love, and learning could be expressed…A day that will mark and inspire me for the rest of my life.” Leonard Molczadski

Take the Leap Now

 ” Nellie’s …workshop … takes consciousness-raising to the next level, through her beautifully and artfully facilitated workshop that gives women the privilege to open up their minds and hearts about what they want to accomplish in the next phase of their lives. Nellie is a positive force of energy and passion who creates an atmosphere of openness and candour within minutes. I was astounded by the workshop – thrown over the top.” Sandy Naiman, journalist

I have known Nellie for a long time and have always admired her ambition and capabilities. Her ability to socialize and network has been an example to aspire to. The chick really knows what she is doing and I am so impressed with the way she has put it all together to help others.” Jean Rodak, Artist

“Nellie, your artistic, creative, and many other endless talents are so impressive; what is most impressive, however, is how you do focus, and are so productive with all you have. It’s been inspiring just to meet you.” F.Z.

Lighting Your Creative Fire!!!
    ” Great workshop last night! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation last evening. …You are a very multi talented person. …I am starting to learn Photo Shop and I can hardly wait to get into the lessons after hearing your enthusiasm and seeing your presentation last night.” B.M.